Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 15, 2010 featuring IAN TATTENHAM

We're happy to have Ian join us once again!

Here is a review from the last concert...
Ian Tattenham 4/3/2010

There's something, dare we say, magical that happens when Ian picks up a guitar. We're not talking about the kind of magic that conjures up knights and dragons and fairies. We're talking about the kind of magic that weaves itself around you and eases you back into your chair; the kind of magic that dispels your worries and makes it perfectly fine to sit still and let the music sweep you wherever it wishes.

Guitars love Ian the way muscle cars love great mechanics. In his hands, you can hear them saying, Yeah, this is how I was meant to be played! Ian takes all genres and makes them his own, from Nine Inch Nails to Sarah McLaughlin, and all points in between. His originals are simple, complex, sweet and spicy all at once. His vocals are polished and his range will keep surprising you.

A mixture of Jack Johnson and John Frusciante on steroids, we have to concur with several audience members about Ian's sound:

"Ian's music is what acoustic guys on the radio would sound like if they had balls." Magic, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun to play again, you guys are amazing!
